I spent my long ride for the week climbing mountains around Missoula on Sunday. More specifically, I spent the day chasing a very capable, and small I might add, Cat 2 cyclist on these myriad climbs. Needless to say I spent some of the ride alone, wheeling my hefty 155lbs against gravity towards the peaks(a little sarcasm here, but not wholly). Fortunately I had beautiful views of Missoula to keep me company when the wily little guy left me. It was during one of these climbs that I realized how fortunate I am, to not only be riding with one of my best friends, but also a fast cyclist, and my coach, Elliot "Satchmo" "Smelliot" Bassett"i".
Elliot has been my coach for over five years, and coaches under the moniker of Mountain Endurance (fitting given our efforts for the day). His objective, experienced and studied approach to endurance athletics has gotten me across the country on my bike, through Ironman Florida and countless other races in good health and with respectable results. It is a rare athlete, on any level, who not only is frequently able to work out with his coach, but more importantly is friends with his coach.
Hearing "Good job. You can go home now," from this coach after our last ascent into the Southhills on Sunday, meant more to me than it would to most athletes because it also came from a respected athlete and friend.
I have decided that I will read all of your blog posts while listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd. It is an appropriate soundtrack.